Jean-Philippe Putaud
Dr. Jean-Philippe Putaud is a Scientific Officer at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in the Air and Climate Unit. He has been managing the European Commission Atmospheric Observatory and Global Atmosphere Watch Regional Station in Ispra (Italy) for more than 15 years. His research currently focuses on the observation of the impact on the atmosphere of European policies and other international regulations related to air quality and climate change. He took part in numerous international projects dealing with aerosol formation and impacts (Oceano-NOx, FieldVOC, EUMELI 3, SOFIA, OMEX, ACE-2, PiPaPO, MINATROC, ESCOMPTE, INTERREG III-Cµ) and aerosol measurement quality (EUSAAR, ACTRIS, ACTRIS-2). J.P. Putaud is author or co-author of more than 80 peer-reviewed publications in the field of atmospheric chemistry and physics.
J.P. Putaud received his PhD on sea-air exchange and atmospheric oxidation of organo-sulfur species in Paris (1993). He was a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University (Sweden) in 1994.