UPR NASA Puerto Rico Space Grant Consortium
The mission of the Puerto Rico Space Grant Consortium (PRSGC) is to enhance Puerto Rico’s research, education and workforce development capabilities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), particularly in areas of interest to NASA.
In order accomplish its mission, PRSGC has developed a network of affiliates that include all geographical and institutional sectors and enable the Consortium to maintain a “pipeline” of students from underrepresented groups preparing to become members of the NASA workforce and/or pursue graduate education in NASA-related areas.
PRSGC pursues an aggressive agenda of activities grouped into three target outcomes of the NASA Education Strategic Coordination Framework: 1) Higher Education; 2) Pre-College Education; 3) Informal education. In alignment with the NASA Education Strategic Coordination Framework, the primary investments of PRSGC are in Higher Education, while Pre-College Education and Informal Education receive secondary and tertiary investments, respectively.
Strong undergraduate and graduate level fellowship/scholarship/internship programs are essential components of the Consortium. The formation of long lasting partnerships with NASA centers and programs gives a strong foundation for the successful implementation of PRSGC’s agenda.